Claire McGee Yoga Teacher / Massage Therapist

My first formal introduction to yoga was in 2002 when I went on a yoga retreat in Spain for a week. I remember feeling so incredibly well afterwards and started practicing yoga asana (postures) for it’s physical benefits. It wasn’t until years later that I started to embrace yoga in it’s completeness, as an empirical philosophy and science that teaches us how to live a balanced life in harmony with nature and the laws of the universe. This is where the real journey began.

I studied yoga and ayurveda at the Yoga Veda Institute and in February 2015, completed a 200hr teacher training with them. The following year, I completed a further 300hrs of teacher training with Yoga Veda Institute and Vastu School of Yoga.

Aside from teacher trainings, I have spent several months in immersion courses and in retreats, including silent and solitary meditation retreats. I am committed to never stop learning, growing and evolving by deepening my own practice. It is my intention as a yoga teacher to best assist those willing to improve their health while guiding them on the path to inner joy and fulfillment.